Base of Support

Exercise Outdoors: Create a Base of Support

July 31, 2019

Outdoor terrain is full of variety–fall lines, textures, lumps and bumps. To work out effectively and safely on such varied surfaces you need to provide your body with a broader Base of Support. Your base of support is your area of stability, and includes the area of ground below the body that spans between your body’s points of contact.

To illustrate this, let’s compare two types of squats: the traditional squat and the wide-legged squat. In the traditional squat your feet are positioned shoulder-width apart, with toes pointed forward. In a wide-legged squat your feet are placed well beyond shoulder-width, with your toes naturally angling out. Whether you’re on a steep slope or the just slightly uneven ground, you’ll find the wider squat is more stable and comfortable, due to its greater base of support.

Position of Strength
While you’re at it, think about positioning your body in a strong position while strength where ever you are—standing or seated.

Sit or stand in a position of strength—feet flat on the ground, chest open and chin up causes us to feel stronger and more positive. Try it. It’s a natural phenomenon!


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