Fast Track

Getting on the fast track toward realizing your health and fitness goals

August 8, 2020

Goal setting is usually a topic we think about when one year ends and another begins. Research shows that the most successful goal achievers review their goals throughout the year—about once a month. Achieving your health and fitness goals doesn’t have to be a daunting task. It can be as simple as understanding the time it takes create new behaviors that move you toward your goals.

To help you get moving and stay moving, check out the simple tips and timeline I use with my Outdoor Fitness clients. I call it “The Power of Three.”

The Power of Three
3 Seconds: Time it takes to make a decision—Making a clear decision about what you’d like to achieve is the most powerful step you can take in realizing them.
3 Days: Time it takes to get “on the rails”—and ride the track in the direction you’d like to go.
3 Weeks: Time it takes to create a routine—now you are clearly living and feeling the Outdoor Fitness Lifestyle.
3 Months: Time it takes to OWN that new routine. There are numerous studies that show in order to completely change a behavior and set a new one requires 90-days. Just think only 12 weeks to own your new life with style!

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