. New Year. New You. The Outdoor Fitness Goal-setting Workshop

New Year. New You. The Outdoor Fitness Goal-setting Workshop

January 8, 2019

For many of us the beginning of a New Year marks the perfect time for a makeover. Setting concrete goals is a proven way to achieve your health and fitness goals. Here it is, the Outdoor Fitness Goal-setting Workshop.
Let’s Get Started!

Before you can achieve your dreams, you have to know specifically what they are. From weight loss and muscular toning, to training for a marathon or expedition, you’ll want to define your goals using this specially designed goal-setting program. This way you are better able to conceptualize and embark on your vision—the first step toward actualization.

The Outdoor Fitness Goal-Setting Workshop
Outdoor Fitness is not just about a firmer butt and better biceps; it’s about health, fitness and well-being, and creating a better lifestyle—a life with style! However, it takes more than just weight loss and firm muscles. For a happier, healthier, well-balanced life, it’s important to create goals in all areas of our life. So let’s take a moment to explore what your goals in life really are.

Step 1: Download the Audio Goal-setting Workshop

Take 20 Minutes to Get Clear – Find a quiet place, free from distractions. Unplug the phone, close the email screen, and focus… on you! Click on the audio podcast icon and thoughtfully fill out the form.
Step 2: Print Out the Workshop Form

Don’t forget to sign it and make the official commitment to YOU! Remember, it’s ALL about you! Take Action! Get EXCITED – It’s a NEW day and a NEW YOU!

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