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Quick Tip: How Much Time Should You Spend Working Out?

December 22, 2016

How much time you spend really comes down to how long you’ve been on a regular program and what your goals are. For example if it’s been six months since you’ve worked out, you’ll need to take it slowly. Start with a walking program of 3-5 days per week for 10-20 minutes, building up to 30 minutes, 5 times per week. After that, bump it up to 200 minutes per week.
If you’ve been exercising and would like to maintain general health, you’ll want to move 230 minutes per week. For example: 40 minutes, 6 days per week, or 45 minutes, 5 days per week.

If you’re trying to lose some weight and achieve health and fitness gains, bump up the time you spend to 260 or more minutes per week. For example: 45 minutes, 6 days per week, or 55 minutes, 5 days per week.

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