Travel Tips

Traveling – Tips to help you stay motivated and fit on the road

January 8, 2019

The key is preparation and planning ahead of your departure.

• Exercise beforehand. If you are traveling over several time zones, get some exercise in before your flight. Even a 20 minute aerobic session can do wonders to help you relax on your lengthy journey.
• Plan your workouts before you leave. Call the hotel beforehand to find out about local trails, parks, bike rentals, and sports facilities that are nearby.
• Check the weather. If your prepared mentally and physically of inclement weather, you’re more likely to follow through with your outdoor workouts.
• Pack with exercise in mind. Pack your workout stuff, including sunscreen.
• Stay with the program. You’ll be more successful if you exercise at or near the same time of day you normally do—plus you’ll wipe our any stress associated with falling off your routine, and better adjust to the time zone change.

For your safety:
• Wear light colored clothing to make yourself visible.
• Whenever possible, use the sidewalks and walking paths.
• Stay focused: Drivers turning into an intersection will often look out for cars, but not for runners and walkers.
• Be on the lookout for unfamiliar terrain, like potholes, cracks and crevices that can cause you to trip and fall.

Tips for pleasure travel.
On your next vacation, why not sweat and sightsee at the same time? Trade in the treadmill for a self-guided running tour. Sight-jogging is a great way to get your exercise in and do a little touring at the same time, all you need is a map and a little planning. Here are a few tips to get you headed in the right direction:

• Put on your running shoes and head out first thing in the morning, before the streets and sidewalks get congested.
• Many hotels have ”runners’ maps” detailing routes in the area
• Or, print out several maps of the area before you leave home and plan a new scenic loop each day.
• Wear a small, snug waist pack or backpack to hold your phone/camera, map, and other items you’d like to have on hand.
• Avoid running through Cemeteries, National Monuments, and Religious Landmarks.

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